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The Off Highway EVolution

Melinda Huot

As the EV market continues to grow and expand, industries are rapidly trying to adapt to make sure they're well equipped with the necessary infrastructure to meet their consumer's needs.

Our society's on-demand culture and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has only perpetuated consumers' demand for goods. We have grown accustomed to having our goods delivered efficiently and conveniently. From delivering produce to ordering your 'Work From Home' set up, we have never been more isolated and dependent on services like grocery & 2-day delivery. All of these factors have led industry leaders to question their carbon footprint.

The fleet of the future is EV! Amazon has released their latest all electric delivery van this past October, hoping to have over 100,000 EV delivery vehicles out on the open road by 2030.

From a manufacturing industry standpoint, there's a sufficient demand for EV forklifts and high powered charging stations to be installed in factories throughout the country.

As the premier electrical contractor for industrial and commercial installations, we here at COIL have been consulting & installing new EV fleets for an array of companies & industries, such as Pepsi Co. Let us help your industry modernize and become an integral part of the EV revolution!


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